One of the best sellers, not only does this soap smell fresh and floral it also contains real lavender buds making for an exfoliating cleanse when used directly on the skin.
The combination of peppermint and lavender essential oils work wonders to calm and relax. Both of these essential oils share some wonderful properties; they are both analgesic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. Peppermint oil is also fantastically invigorating due to its cooling effect which aids with the relaxation at the end of a long day.
Ingredients: Saponified sweet almond oil, organic dried lavender, lavender oil, peppermint oil.
The ANSC's all natural, handmade soaps have been carefully crafted to cleanse skin of impurities without the use of harsh ingredients like parabens and sulphates that are known to be drying and irritating. Instead, ANSC uses high-grade Australian plant oils that leave skin clean and moisturised thanks to their slow-set soap making methods that maintain the healing properties of the oils.
ANSC's scented products are fragranced using pure essential oils, which means you can experience full aromatic bliss without the stress of skin irritating perfumes! The ANSC is certified cruelty free and do not use palm oil, making every one of ANSC's products vegan friendly! Each piece is cut by hand to 100g and packaged using recycled and recyclable packaging.